Coldspring Garden Club

Board of Directors & Committee Chairmen - 2024-25

President, Rhonda Sherling

Vice-President, Manette Farber
Treasurer, Sandra Smith
Secretary, Tracy Shipley & Mary Whitmire
Corresponding Secretary, Kathy Preston

Community Center, Christine Knight and Karen Culler
Greeter, Eleanor Zoeller
Facebook, Darchelle Vucinovich
Fund Raising, Wanda Gardner & Linda Farber
Hospitality, Rhonda Bax & Linda Almaguer
Membership, Rhonda Sherling
Parliamentarian, Sue Jackson
Pink Rose, Christine Knight

Publicity, Yvonne Cones
Telephone, Patrica Leslie
Website, Linda Deeter
Yearbook, Linda Deeter

All members of the Coldspring Garden Club are encouraged to participate in all meetings, activities and fundraisers.